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Sasuke and Masami stopped by my office after their outing at the zoo.

"Sasuke no!  They're not ready yet!"  ... He grabs one anyway.

He puts it in his mouth triumphantly.

The face of disappointment when he bites down.

I took Sasuke to go look at boats.

We got back from the nearby school's playground and Sasuke lead me to park instead of inside.  I invented a game called "Papa is exhausted and going to lay down."  After covering me in pea gravel, Sasuke wanted to roll around.  He's such a cutie.

I came home to a tornado.

Sasuke saying goodbye as I leave for work.

Sasuke wouldn't touch cow's milk until he stopped nursing this last weekend.  Now he goes crazy for it.

On the ferry to Washington Island.  I haven't been to Door County since I was a kid.

My first fish boil.  "Uh Ohh!"

Sasuke couldn't quite get that fourth rock to stay.  Masami told him, "it's too round!"  So he put that one down and picked up one that was basically a sphere and said "あった!" (I found it!).

He carried his sphere around for a while and then put it on somebody's chair.

After dinner we visited a lavender farm.

We had to leave the motel at 7:00 to make it to Sister Bay for our 9:00 boat rental.  All three kids looked pretty much like this.

They all perked up once we got a little wind in our sails.

We dropped the anchor in a sandy spot to go swimming, but the water was pretty cold away from shore.

Sasuke looked straight into my eyes with burning intensity and used every word at his disposal to convey a crystal clear message. "Uh Ohh!  Mama!  Up!"  

We never got off the ladder, but that's okay.  It really was cold.

The two older boys made it, and had fun.

Happy birthday Sam and Julia.

Here's some sand for your pants Papa!

It was so humid out my camera fogged up the second I brought it outside.

We walked down to the park after dinner and while I was pushing Sasuke on the swing Masami was picking some wild black raspberries.

Sasuke, I want you to remember how excited you were to help me mow when you were little.

Sasuke learning to jump

Mama wasn't home when Sasuke woke up from his nap.  There were lots of tears but Papa fixed it.

Daikon radish flowers

Masami dropped the boys off at the park on our way home so she could get dinner ready.  

Sasuke "sweeping."

Full moon tonight

The silver lining to the bad parking spot I got today was the walk to work.

A big storm came in suddenly.  Sasuke's sandbox was a swimming pool in the morning.

This area was overrun with grapes until I removed them yesterday.  Sasuke came over and looked around and inspected the area today.

We visited Devil's Lake via the Merrimac Ferry.

After about and hour and a half  we were ready for lunch.  It was 90 degrees and humid... Everybody was worn out already.

Sasuke graduated to a "day bed" configuration.  He demonstrated he can easily climb out of his crib if so inclined yesterday, so we felt it was dangerous to hold off any longer.  He put up no fuss with the change and never once got out of bed.  I'm a proud Papa tonight.

We went for a walk and ended up at our neighbor's chicken coop again.

We still had some time after dinner, so we headed out back to goof around.

St. Mary's cafeteria pizza is really good.

After the rain we went into the jungle.

We found some huge flowers.

I checked on Sasuke when my alarm went off.  At first I didn't see him...

We had a little time before dinner, so I walked Sasuke down to the elementary school.  It's about a half a mile from our house.  

We took the long way back to swing by the park.  

We visited the Vilas zoo!
