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Sasuke showing off at the park

My squash have sprouted already!

Sasuke playing at the park

Our neighbor had her driveway replaced and the cement mixer truck was a huge hit.

Sasuke's new thing is hanging on stuff.  

We had a pool party for the little ones today.

Getting four toddlers to sit all at once was pretty challenging.

Sasuke really likes Mitch.

Quite the abdominal workout I imagine.  I don't think I could do that.

Sasuke greeted me when I got home.

Chipmunks ate our squash plants right when they sprouted so we stopped at the store to find something else.

Sasuke had a good time smelling flowers and driving his firetruck on stuff.

Sasuke likes helping.

Always check your shoes!

We went for a walk through the Arboretum for Father's Day.

Firefly spotted

Sasuke is small, so it's easy for him to help with the garden.

The radishes are ready!  Everything is growing much much better in the nice garden soil instead of the clay we had before.

Sasuke had a hard day.  He started teething again yesterday.  The last two until his second year molars come in.

Wild black raspberries grow all over the small wooded area near our house.

We spent the day at Noah's Ark!  It was an adult only outing, eight of us altogether.  We had a blast.

They're two tiny dots in this picture, but Sasuke's voice carried clearly from two blocks away.  "あった!" he announced at every flower they came across, not wanting his mother to miss any.

Sasuke pointed out the window and said, "Aam! Aam!"  His word for "eat."  What do you know, there was a chipmunk eating a peanut.
