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Our blackberry bush bet the farm on propagating itself anywhere it could last year.  This is year two, so it should finally fruit.  After fruiting just once a blackberry bush's life cycle is over and they'll die and need to be removed.  Luckily you should always have new canes here and there to take it's place.  Like this one a good three or four feet away from our fenced in berry area!

I mowed the front lawn after work today which was brutal after five days of rain.  The backyard will have to wait for tomorrow.  This is one of the first little flowers to come up.  A previous owner of our house must have loved purple because that's the color all the flowers are.  Works out great for me.

My cell phone case has a hassle warranty.  Nice.

I left a note on a big rock under the deck.  If Sharpie survives long enough it will be a fun surprise for the next person to fix the deck.  Even if it's me again.

I got the first coat down finally!

Thursdays are terrible for parking, but the walk is nice.

The one successful berry bush from last year is doing really well.

The deck is coming along.  If you ever need grey paint, the Habitat Restore is your resource.  $7.50 for a gallon.

I can't bring myself to put Sasuke's toys away.  All his trains in the living room are right where he left them a month ago.

Reading books with Sasuke

Essentially finished deck.  

Is it a huge tree among boulders, or a tiny tree among rocks?

It's alright wife, nothing to worry about.  Oh, your car is in the garage though. Haha.

I got a great deal on some clearance bricks for the garden wall.  It won't be enough, but it's a good start.  

What seemed like a lot of bricks at the time now appears woefully insufficient.  I may dig out the clay and fill in the nice garden soil more or less to ground level and call it good.  Now I just need to figure out what to do with all the old dirt.  I do have one low spot in the yard I guess I can level out and replant the grass on.  The clay I dunno.  It's pure orange clay a couple inches below the sod.  Does anyone like pottery?

It's supposed to be really cold this weekend, and it looks like I'm not getting anything done tonight either.

Our chipmunk is back at his old spot.  I was supposed to be working on the garden all weekend, but it's been really cold and damp.  I probably got an hour in today, but it was too miserable to continue.  Masami will be back soon, I'm really cutting it close.  I haven't moved a spoonful of garden soil from the driveway yet.

I finished lining the garden with pavers and dug out hopefully enough existing soil.  Next week I'll fill it in.  

We arrived in Genoa.

I caught this 27 inch walleye on Clements Fishing Barge in Genoa Wisconsin.

What a breakfast!  We stopped at the Viroqua Family Restaurant since the only place in Genoa for breakfast shut down ages ago.

First wheel-barrel load of garden soil.  What a contrast.  No wonder our carrots were an inch long.

The neighbor car doesn't mind the dirt pile out front.  The tarp collected some nice clean rain water.  I'd personally like to use my driveway again soon though.

The last of the garden soil is off the driveway.  My neighbor helped me out by running his tiller over this area which will be garden number two.

Russian Kale, Cincinnati Radishes, Daikon Radishes, Eggplant, Regular Radishes...  I like radishes.

Using a garden hose to make a straight line.  Just like the ancient Romans used to.

The resident chipmunk wanted to know what I was doing on his deck.

Can you spot it?

I've needed a UPS for a long time, but they're not cheap.  I found a nice APC unit at Goodwill for $4.49, then picked up some batteries.  Plugged them in and unfortunately it still dies the instant you unplug it.  Oh well, worth a try.  

On the wild plains of Wisconsin, a squirrel forages for it's dinner.

One of the bare-root berry plants I thought was toast came to life.  Looking good!

It's good to have everybody home again!

I went out and played with Sasuke in the yard after work.  
