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It's hard to get a sense of scale, but this mushroom on the edge of my yard was huge.

Leftover brats

This is a cucumber.

We had a baby-shower at work!  It wasn't only for us though, Matt's wife is also due shortly.  It's an IT baby boom.

The crib is assembled, and we mounted our babycam on the wall.  

I tried to take a picture with both new ceiling fans.

Masami is feeling extremely pregnant.

It's getting a little ridiculous how pregnant a person can get.

Watching American Ninja Warrior.

Happy Birthday Sasuke!

Mitch and Megan came to visit.

"Sasuke, that's an unusual name, sounds German."  -- Great Grandpa.

Welcome Home!

4pm, out like a light.

We're heading out to the clinic to get Sasuke checked out.  He loves his car seat.

Sasuke relaxing after being burped by Papa.

Sasuke doing a little bicycling to get the torpedoes launching.  He doesn't seem to mind.

Have you ever been this content?

Masami knit this hat for Sasuke before he was born.

Good morning.

Sasuke wanted to eat all night long.  Now he wants to sleep all day.

I installed "CTMod" on our two outdated and otherwise retired Android phones.  Now we have two nice baby monitors.

He fell asleep on the job.  Gonna have to dock his pay.

Getting a little fresh air.

Sasuke was a star at the Farmer's Market.

After a nice warm bath.

Getting ready to go out on the town (the Target five minutes from our house).
