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We installed a new ceiling fan to replace the hideous gold and red 1987 model in the baby's room.

We went to Luigi's Pizza for lunch.

We harvested the rest of our carrots to make room for some late season radishes.  We found a couple hidden onions while tilling and our broccoli plants had a couple more florets for us.

Saw this cool crane coming into work today.

Masami had a hankering for IHOP.  

Have you ever seen a lettuce flower?

I was watering a bad patch of grass and saw this handsome fellow hop out of the dirt.

Visiting Keishiro, Miwa, and their new baby Akito.  He was born yesterday with a full head of hair.  

I found a stowaway on my broccoli.

We let our lettuce plants mature.  They're around four feet tall.  I gathered some of the seeds today.  

Mississippi River Museum in Dubuque Iowa.
