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I gave the chipmunks a sausage from my Little Caesars Pizza from last night. They seemed to love it.

This little green guy landed on the book I was reading over my break.

The guys went out to Chili's this evening, and on our way out we saw a batch of four or five baby bunnies chewing on leaves in the rain.  They weren't particularly phased by my pictures.

My sister's husband rounded up a pair of loose dogs during our July 4th dinner.  


A damselfly.

The guys headed over to Bender's coworker's place for an engagement/graduation/housewarming party.


Honey Bee in flight.

My bus stop.

One of my toads.

The weather this week has been fantastic!

I wish I could post a higher resolution image of this beetle.  

I brought one of my toads out to the back yard.  Sometimes my toads get bummed about living in a tank, so I take them out to hop around a bit.  

I went to see Transformers again today.  That's a fantastic movie.

Myris and I saw a long line of runners zip by on the way to the gym.  

A cool bush that spiraled its flowers out from the center.

Lake Mendota on the way to the gym.

Can you count the tacos?

HDR of a fallen tree.  This photo looks great at full resolution.  I'm going to try printing it tonight... We'll see if my printer will cooperate.  It has been giving me trouble lately.  The yellow ran out unexpectedly, and although I replaced it and ran head cleanings, the images come out lacking yellow.  

Testing out my new Canon 10-22mm lens.  

Dr. Pepper

The guys did some grilling for Taco Night.

One of my coworkers gave me this cookie!  Today was my last day of work at my current job.  I'll be starting a new job in two weeks, but not before I head over to Japan for some R&R.  I'm bringing both my tiny Sony DSC-T100, and my Canon 30D.

The gorgeous sky over the Red Gym near the Memorial Union where I was waiting for the Bus to Chicago.  I'm flying straight from Chicago to Tokyo.

My first night back in Japan!  This is just outside Yabashira station where a couple friends and I had dinner.  We went to an izakaya and ate cheese mochi, Salad, grilled pork, and my favorite, "chicken meat baking."  That chicken meat baking was awesome.

The man on the left is Nagasawa-Sensei. Chris, Andrea and myself had lunch with his family today.  They have two adorable kids the eldest of which at only 6 years old can speak both English and Japanese.  When Chris showed him a picture of a insect expecting a "what's this" to be answered with "bug," he instead received "it's a cicada."  Which for the record I didn't spell correctly until my computer corrected me.  He could also spell "rabbit" when prompted randomly to do so.  
