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I took Sasuke to Story Time at the library this morning.  He only made it through half a book today...  Maybe next time.  We headed to work to have lunch with the guys and eliminate the need for Papa to cook.  

Today was Setsubun, a festive day to mark the beginning of Spring in Japan.  It's a tradition for a family member to dress up like a Japanese monster and have the children throw beans in self defense.  

Unfortunately the video camera battery ran out right before Sasuke caught on to the game, but I snapped a picture of the aftermath.

I took Sasuke to Olbrich Gardens this morning.  Later, when Masami asked him where he went today he said, "ornament and leaves."  (There are ornaments in the entryway).

His language has gotten very descriptive lately.  He loves colors and can name them all.  I neglected to teach him gray however.  The other day while getting ready he said, "baby shoes blue!  Papa shoes... light black!"

I usually shred these when I'm done, but I might keep this one.

Launch position!

Touch down

Out for a morning run.

We gave Masami her Valentine's Day present, but Sasuke claimed the first chocolate for himself.

Sasuke counts to ten.

Masami worked today, so I took Sasuke to his play group.

Mama was home when he woke up from his nap, and he acted like he hadn't seen her in ages.

Sasuke wanted me to take a picture of his monster truck crushing this other car.

Sasuke sings the ABC song.

We went to the model train expo.

Sasuke liked the little kid area the best.

Masami protecting her face from unpredictable little feet.

Random goofing around.

It was 70 degrees and sunny two days ago.  Back to reality.

Sasuke drinking his broccoli water.

Then knocking his water over.  Oops.
