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Sasuke saw the screw holding on our plumbing access panel and said "Broken!"  He ran off and got his screwdriver and fixed it.

Sasuke's friend received a ridable Thomas the Tank Engine for Christmas.  

Thomas is Sasuke's favorite show, and we play with his trains everyday.

Sasuke pointing out an "O."

He wants me to pick up the laundry basket with him in it and fly him around.  

Having fun with a laundry basket and an old tie.

My son does have legs, they're just moving too fast to be photographed.

The Christmas lights through our wavy glass door.

Just eating some raisins.

Cleaning up at SWAP.

Good morning!

The whole town is covered in ice.  Sasuke and I went out to explore.  We had to take the long way home, it was impossible to even walk back up our street.

The dentist's office isn't too bad when you're two.

Orthopedic surgeon?

My CPU fans came in for the low budget home server I'm working on.  I had to take the tops off and rotate them just exactly right to make it work.  You can't slide a piece of paper between them.

I took Sasuke to Kids in the Rotunda again, hoping to get through more than last time, but nope.  He got bored after one song and was done.

This is the first four-high car stacking I've witnessed.  

Sasuke did uncharacteristically well at the library today.  I asked him what he wanted for lunch and he said, "Apple pie... Sausage!"  We already had a donut at the library so we settled on a Costco brat.  He was super stoked.

An opossum visited our front door this morning.
