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Posing with our new dryer.

Sasuke wanted to carry up the laundry, and did all by himself.

Driving through obstacle courses.

If you stand in one place and record a video while panning around you can create a panorama.  I discovered my phone has a "Pro Video" mode that allows you to lock the exposure which would prevent the strange light and dark areas.  I'll try that out next time.

"Sasuke, 危ないよ." -- Papa

"危なくないよ." -- Sasuke

Frosty morning.

Going up the stairs three at a time, cuz why not?

Sasuke snagged half a small onion off the cutting board.  I expected its return after a bite, but he ate the whole thing.  After a few minutes he complained that his tongue hurt.

"Onion enough! Papa 食べて"

Embarrassed after being caught eating his banana peel.

Happy 90th birthday Grandpa!

Sasuke's head works fantastically for sticking balloons to the ceiling.

I took my car in for an oil change and after a barrage of texts informing me how poorly behaved *my* child was, returned home.  He wasn't too bad, I'm guessing Papa not being home on time just threw him off.

Charging up balloons.

Earning his keep.

Great sunset today.

My phone has a dedicated monochrome camera, which seems silly but is really fun.

Masami and Sasuke joined me at work for a potluck lunch.
