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Visiting our neighbor's chickens.

Sasuke says "Apple."

We took Sasuke to the pet store for fun.  He liked the guinea pigs the best.

Sasuke spontaneously started saying "I'm all done" today.  

Sasuke's two year checkup is coming up.  One of the questions on the development questionnaire asked if he could string a bead.  

He didn't string a bead, but I was impressed with how well he concentrated on the task, and how patient he was with himself.  I let him have some fun with the box of macaroni when we were done.  

I sat in the dark on the sofa and watched in night-vision as Sasuke silently army crawled down the hall.  

I captured this cool lightning strike on my dashcam this morning.

Sasuke likes his new hoodie.

I still love my car.  

We took Sasuke to the pool for his birthday. We're doing a party over the weekend, today is just for fun.

I asked Sasuke what he wanted for his birthday dinner and he said "cheese pan." Pan is Japanese for bread.  We settled on veggie-lovers pizza so he'd get some sort of actual nutrition.

Sasuke is very excited about his new toys.

Sasuke comforting his friend Tomo who just learned the Little People set wasn't for him.  He calmed down and they played with it together.

Sudden and intense hailstorm here in Madison today.

Aftermath of the hail storm yesterday.  I got up on a ladder and checked the roof after work.  Other than a fair amount of shingle grit in the gutters everything was fine.

Making himself comfortable, apparently.

An enormous truck parked in front of our house.  Sasuke thought it was pretty great.

At the park with Sasuke after work.

Sasuke running around the front yard.  He likes to scare his Mama by peering over the retaining wall.
