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Out for a walk.  

I had a nice balanced choice for a snack today.

Rocket Launch!

Hanging out at the Union.

Sasuke helping me mow.

Usually Masami takes Sasuke to his Music Together class but today I took a turn.  It was a lot of fun!  Sasuke did great helping clean up and waiting his turn for things.  As always though he was the most rambunctious kid by a astronomical margin.

Sasuke and I have a game where I tie a scarf to my old fleece jacket and tow him around the house.  He makes motor sounds and points where he wants to go.



Sasuke commandeered my spoon.  

Sasuke routinely borrows my shoes when he goes outside.

Sasuke rotated one of the recliners then before I could stop him did an Olympic swan dive toppling the chair with him on it.  He looked up at me with his guilty face and said, "Uh ohh Papa!"

We visited Boscobel this morning.  

A couple video clips from Boscobel

We visited our usual after-work hangout.

Sometimes we look through the gravel for neat rocks.  He handed me one today that was really nice so I told him I'd give it to Mama and then put it in my pocket.  The gears turned and he searched his pants for a pocket.  Needless to say we ended up taking home a fair amount of gravel this evening.

Full moon tonight.

Sasuke saw the apple I was eating for breakfast and after hijacking it he sat in my chair to watch PBS Kids.

We found a secret spot behind the tennis courts.

Sasuke commanded, "Papa!" while pointing to the exact spot I needed to stand.  

Sasuke was jealous of my socks this morning and wanted to put some on too.  I don't really want him running around on the hardwood in socks so I suggested putting on his hat instead.  He thought that was a great idea and sprinted around the house safely.

They're tearing down the famous Pyare Square building to put up more apartments.

Sasuke's first haircut

Fancy work dinner.

It was really foggy out when we woke up, so I took Sasuke down to the park to check it out.

I spotted this toad pulling weeds.

Sasuke says "Banana."

The rabbits in more populated areas of town are absolutely fearless of humans.  
