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Sasuke ate every last piece of rice that ended up on his shirt.

I took Sasuke to the park for the first time in a long time.

He noticed the slide.

Let's go down the slide again!

The walk there

While I was doing the dishes Masami came in and asked me with concern in her voice where Sasuke was.  I told her he went her way down the call a minute ago.

She insisted he wasn't in the bedroom or the bathroom so where else could he be.  We called for him and he answered.

Sasuke was obviously still sleepy this morning, but insisted on getting up.  He has important toddler stuff to do.

Pit stop at McDonald's

Sasuke likes rolling around the house in Masami's chair.

Sasuke's supposed to be picking out a book to read.  He had other plans.

I took Sasuke for a walk, and he lead me to the tennis court.  He found a broom and was excited to help clean up.

All clean!

Sasuke the artist

At the Easter Egg hunt in Waunakee

Out playing in the backyard.

Sasuke was frustrated he couldn't get onto his step stool feet first.

I showed him a more traditional way to climb the step and he went to town on the light switch.  I hope that's not too hard on the ceiling fan.

Sasuke had his 18 month appointment.  He did great, and he's still 99th percentile.   That's an A+, right?

Sasuke had a harder than usual day, recovering from his four vaccines yesterday.  I found a free game called "gamine" for toddlers.  No matter what you do something happens, Sasuke loved it.  I only let him play for a few minutes though, I don't want him to be near-sighted like his Papa.

Sasuke's first time in a sandbox.

Sasuke really wanted to watch me grill, but I can't trust him near it yet.  I also can't carry him and do it at the same time, so I had to put him in his highchair facing the window.  His toddler world was shattered by this compromise.  He cried and protested but there was nothing to be done.  When the burgers were ready he solemnly ate his, with tears still in his eyes.  

Masami scored a big box of Brio train stuff at the thrift store today.

I bought a first generation airport express on eBay super cheap.

Five minutes to set it up and now I can play music wirelessly on the stereo.  Sweet!
