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Sasuke worked up a thirst for apple juice watching me shovel.

Sasuke playing with a case of soda.

Sasuke uses his rideable walker as a toy car.

Riding a cow in the West Towne play area.  We got there early before all the kids that are way too old to be there show up.

Lotus root?  Sure why not.  Sasuke will eat it.

Lamb for dinner.

I asked Sasuke to close the curtains, and he did. :)

Story time before bed

Sasuke laughing with his great-grandma.

Sasuke looking through the balusters in Boscobel.  Somewhere there is a photo of me doing the same thing, thirty-some years ago.

Here it is!

Posing for a photo

Sasuke found the car magazines.  He can't get enough cars.

Sasuke won't drink cow's milk, so at the recommendation of a friend we gave him Kefir.  I had never heard of it, but it's something halfway between milk and yogurt.

I love coming home after work and seeing Sasuke in the window.

Sasuke spotted a tin of sardines while Masami was looking through the cupboard.  He snagged them.

Then his drove his car over them.

Sasuke out enjoying the warm weather.

He took apart our thermometer and poked the snow with its battery.

Early Sunday morning

Going for a walk

No prob

Anchovy Pasta

Sasuke says "Ah?" inviting me to play with cars.

Selfies with Sasuke

I have a great helper when it comes to eating peaches.

Sasuke's reaction to tasting a carrot.  He's decided he doesn't like them anymore.

We gave Sasuke his 18 month birthday present early.  

He loved it.

We'll be working on fundamentals this weekend.

7am, the Sardine Monster strikes.
