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Real sledding on New Year's Day.

Sasuke was a little lonely for Mama while she was at the supermarket, so I put him in one of her sweaters like a toga.  He's teething really bad and hasn't been sleeping super well because of that.

Sasuke figured out the kitchen barricade...

Sign posted on a snow bank.

When I came home from work, Masami and Sasuke were out sledding.

Sasuke reacts to a Japanese comedian on TV

Part 2

I took Sasuke to Rocky's to see some friends.

Sasuke helping me shovel.

Sasuke eating strawberries

Sasuke eating beets

Sunrise hitting the top of the nearby hill.

We baked a pumpkin pie.  Masami made the crust and I made the filling.  

"You've got something on your nose." -- Mama

"Did I get it?"


Mama's phone is about to go down the slide.

Making molasses cookies

Making eggs

Sasuke on a Skype call to his grandparents in Japan.

Getting ready to sled

Sasuke walking on his hands.

Sasuke wearing my hat.  

Playing outside

Sasuke reading a book with Mama
