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Sasuke is a happy kid.

I took Sasuke to a pet rescue.  

Then we went to Olbrich Gardens.

First snow of the season.

Celebrating a toddler victory

Where's Sasuke?

His "I don't know how this could have happened" look.

They're demolishing some houses near my office.

Watching Curious George.

I received this great white elephant present at the work holiday party today.

Playing hide and seek.

Playing on the computer.

He climbed in there on his own, just to be funny I guess.

Sneaking up on me while I'm making coffee.

I took Sasuke to the Overture Center for a kids performance.  He was super into it for about five minutes then incurably bored.

We finally got a Christmas tree last night, but we forgot to buy lights.  Sasuke thoroughly enjoyed basket duty.

Working on my server.  The BIOS, IPMI and SAS hardware all needed firmware updates.

I popped down before work to check on a test I was running.  Yeah, not so great so far.

Noodles can be challenging.

Preparing the first "atatata milk" of the day.

Sasuke didn't want to go to the store.  I explained we were going to the "apple pie store," and he changed his tune.

Merry Christmas!

Sasuke asked with his eyes, "is it okay to open it?"

Sasuke can't say his own name yet, so he says "baby" instead.  He knows the S is for his name though and often points out "Baby の S."  We each have one of these ornaments.  "Mama の M" is a convenient coincidence.  I get, "Papa の this."  He doesn't know J yet.

We had lunch at the Grumpy Troll in Mount Horeb.  Sasuke was a little gentleman.  

My boat is too small.

These are adult sunglasses.

We took Sasuke to see the Argyle Toy Train Barn.  

New Year's countdown at around 7:30.
