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This blur can be seen most nights.

I gave Sasuke some yogurt with pomegranate and must have said, "here's your dessert."  While washing dishes he called out, "more jii jiit?"  I didn't understand until he held out his empty dish.  We practiced and now he can say "dessert" pretty well.  He's saying a new word almost every day now.

Foggy morning

Sasuke's truck just went through the tunnel.

Sasuke two hours before he got sick.  You'd never know he wasn't feeling well.

Sasuke caught a stomach bug and wanted to go to bed about and hour and a half early.  I stayed with him until Masami got home.

Masami altered a hoodie she never wore into a toddler size for Sasuke.  He likes it.

Sasuke didn't want me to go to work.  "Papa 会いたい!"

He's got a job to do.

Sasuke fell asleep on the lazyboy and the fabric pattern was transferred to his face.

Sasuke is a happy go lucky kid, but if he misses his nap all bets are off.

Sasuke wouldn't leave Masami's side for even a moment.

Amazing sunrise this morning.

A little detour on the way to the car.

We arrived at the mall, heading for the play area.

When it comes to "the easy way or the hard way," two year olds have an odd preference for the hard way.

Sasuke doing his own dishes.

Sasuke wake up, it's time for Thanksgiving!

Posing for a 10 second timer shot is tough with a two year old.

I took Sasuke to the geology museum.

He had fun pointing out the big and small fossils, and the blue, purple, and banana rocks.

Every night Sasuke wants me to chase him around the house.  He'll jump on his bed and say, "Papa nene!" I'll get in and he'll immediately say, "bye-bye Papa!" and run away.  I act all surprised and he laughs his little butt off.
