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Making Sasuke laugh while he's eating can trigger some goofy faces.

Sasuke with Grandma looking out the window.

Sasuke trying to climb into his walker.

While folding laundry

After folding laundry

Sasuke eating sweetcorn

Sasuke hanging out

At the BBQ

Sasuke's first time in a pool.  He wasn't too sure about the whole affair.

"I wish I was a little taller."

We drove out to Boscobel to visit my Grandparents.

It was Sasuke's first visit.  

He got to play with his Great Grandpa

He ate some tasty ham and a nibble of an Anna's ginger snap, courtesy of his Great Grandma.

After lunch Sasuke played this cute antique toy piano.  It makes him look just like Schroeder from the Peanuts comics.

So many things to explore!

We didn't catch it on film, but Sasuke took his first steps in the family room.  With his Great Grandma as witness!

Sasuke had a blast, but nap time snuck up on him.  Time to head home...

Masami was trying to talk to me from the other room, but it was hard to pay attention while Sasuke was making these funny faces at me.

Sasuke walking!

Sasuke riding the merry-go-round.

We didn't get any walking to speak of out of Sasuke today.  

My strategy was to occupy his hands with something to make crawling inconvenient, and stand him up.  Then while he stood playing with his Frozen camera I'd position myself in front of him a few feet away and say "Sasuke, hug!"  He'd giggle and crawl over a few times, but wasn't inclined to walk today.  

Sasuke gnawing on my camera strap.

"You've got mail."  Sasuke *loves* this thing.

Sasuke's first cake

Sasuke didn't know it, but his job was to perform the main attraction.  

He ate raspberries first, his favorite.

Later it was on to presents.  So many new toys!

Thanks everyone!

Papa's beard is tickly.

Masami's friend came over to wish Sasuke a happy first birthday.

We took Sasuke to the Madison Children's Museum for his birthday.

Sasuke had a rough time at his 12 month checkup.  They were running late, so we were there over two hours.  He was not a happy camper.

"I think there's something wrong with this rice bowl."

"It was working fine, but suddenly the rice stopped coming out."

"How do you reboot this thing?  Maybe we need to call tech support."

Sasuke walking around with his walker

Sasuke's launchpad.  

Five turkeys walking around this morning.

Sasuke with his iPhone.

Sasuke walking

Check out this tiny ear of corn that grew randomly in my yard.

Sasuke driving his tow truck on our Chipotle bag.

"I demand more turkey meatballs!"

Sasuke having fun on the swing

Some corn grew spontaneously in our yard.

Playing with Sasuke in the yard after lunch.

What a cutie

Don't eat grass, okay buddy?

"Whatever you say, Papa!"

"Oh look, a bug."



I was Sasuke's age for the last super blood moon.  He only has to wait until he's 19 to see the next one.

Taken on the $6 Sony W30 I found at Goodwill.  Never hurts to have a backup camera!

Sasuke helping me mow the lawn.
