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August is a good time to have an air conditioner.  My folks came to the rescue with an old window unit.

Sasuke is getting more confident as his balance improves.


This is the bad capacitor I replaced on our central air unit to get it running again.  New one worked like a charm.

That's my boy.

We took Sasuke to see the sunflowers at Pope Farm.  It started raining right when we got there, so we didn't get to stay long.

My boy's not a baby anymore... :(  

Sasuke eating his vegetables.


Masami and her friend who has a little girl went to the Middleton splash park.

We had dinner at Pasqual's tonight while my Mom babysat.  It was nice to get out.

We gave Sasuke a pepper and tomato from our garden to play with.  He ate the tomato.


Sasuke eating a donut peach

Sasuke's 11 months old today.  I can't believe it.

"Mama, what are you making for dinner?"

Sasuke having a picnic in the yard.

Sasuke intently watching Mama open a box of Quaker Puffed Wheat, his new favorite snack.

Sasuke has a fever and has been feeling bad, but couldn't resist playing the piano at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Sasuke has had a fever and has been feeling bad lately.  He was having a rough day, but Grandma power helped him finally fall asleep.

Sasuke catching up on sleep

Sasuke eating lima beans while Mama makes lunch.

Sasuke plays with Jello

I discovered a colony of bees living between the brick work and garage wall.  I filled in the hole with expanding pest foam.  They were not happy about that.

One got me on the finger as I was making my escape.  That smarts!  I don't mind the bees so much really, but I can't have Sasuke getting stung.  I don't really want a hive in my garage wall either.

Yoga baby

Sasuke climbed up into his walker on his own.  If you ask me, he won't need it much longer.

Masami called right after I got to work.  Another bee got in the house.  She's off hunting it with Sasuke safe in his room.  It was nice to be able to see him safe and sound from work through the baby-cam.

Masami made a lasagna.

After the Good Neighbor Fest.

Sasuke and Grandpa

Sasuke's first RC car

Sasuke was all smiles on the merry-go-round.  He could sit on the horses by himself for the first time today.  He's doing new things every single day.  Papa's so proud.
