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Driving home I saw some familiar faces in the park next to our house.

Hey, I know you!

We bought a toy box for Sasuke.  He loves it and it keeps our living room a little more livable.

We went to see Jurassic World at the 9:30am show.  It was weird going that early, they hadn't even made the popcorn yet.  But it was great to get out.  It was our first movie (second attempt) since Sasuke was born.

The picture is from the supermarket later in the day.  

We visited Sandy and Rod on their farm.  Sasuke got to see their chickens and a hundred little baby chicks that just arrived.

The neighbor's chicken stopped by to see what was going on.

We took Sasuke to the zoo.

I think he had a good time.

Sasuke will probably get mad at me for this photo when he's older, but it's so worth it.

Sasuke excited by the meat section.

Randy Bobandy doesn't wear shirts!

Sasuke loves running around the house.

Sasuke's favorite game with me right now is to climb over me, turn around, and do it again.  Any point during the game is prime glasses snatching time too.

The maiden voyage of our new baby trailer.  

We bought a bike trailer for Sasuke to ride around in.  He and Masami got home right after I did.  

The boys playing with trains at Mitch's house.

Masami brought Sasuke to work.  He had fun meeting everybody.

Sasuke stood up completely on his own today!  Three times!

We took Sasuke to the splash park (just to watch).

We gave Sasuke some noodles.  We was quite bewildered.

He just stuck to his baby motto.  "When in doubt, try to eat it."

Our young rhubarb plant looks impressive, but the stalks were very thin.  We baked a rhubarb flavored strawberry pie.  It was great with vanilla ice cream.

We had to wake Sasuke up from a solid nap to go to the dentist.  

Sasuke was doing some American Ninja Warrior moves on our fridge.

A coworker lent me his owl decoy to see if it would keep the rabbits out.  I placed it facing the gate where they squeeze quite easily though.

Looking at used cars for Masami.  This Prius was a sweet price, but the engine sounded like a can of nails in a paint mixer.

Sasuke snagged my empty raisin bran box from the kitchen and had a blast playing with it.

We went minivan shopping, and drove home in something... a little different.

Gotta brush those teeth!

Sasuke likes to get into the storage boxes under the bed in his room.

There.  Fixed.

I took a picture of the full moon.  I don't have a telephoto lens, so considering this image is from a 50mm I think it's pretty good.

Our Microwave died 2 days before our home warranty expired.  I thought, "man, I'm lucky."  Well, our AC unit is dead now a week after.  Not so lucky now.  
