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Not a good picture by any measure, but it has a story.  This is the last photo from Japan.  Normally we'd take a group photo but once we got inside we discovered we couldn't find Masami's green card.  No card = no USA entry.  While Masami frantically searched the luggage I frantically searched my dropbox account.  Luckily I had a scan of her card from when we received it, so we were able to go.  Huge thanks to the ANA Japan staff for going out of their way to help.  

This photo is from our connection to Chicago in Beijing China.  It's before we realized we had to take a train to another terminal, explain the green card thing again, take another train back to the first terminal, go through security three times and finally board.  The layover was almost 3 hours, but we only made it with 20 minutes to spare.

This is the last picture I have from Monday.  It's only 14 hours into the trip.  Total door to door was 29 hours and 40 minutes.  I'm never taking a connection again.

Sasuke had a really hard first night home.  He had a mild fever and couldn't sleep until around 1:00 am.  He only slept until 4:00, and we called the nurse on call line.  We got him back to sleep around 6:20 in the morning and took him into the clinic after he woke up.  It was a long night after a long day.  Surprisingly he's been in a good mood all day despite the terrible night.

Sasuke has an ear infection, but it doesn't slow him down a bit.  His cough is better today, but his nose is still a volcano.

We didn't plant the garden this year, since we knew we would be gone for three weeks.  I had hoped some random vegetables would appear from last year, but the entire thing is just a prairie now.

Our compost bin on the other hand has turned into a beautiful bed of lettuce.  Very unexpected.

I think Sasuke will be "cruising" soon.  He moves his grip down his support object, but doesn't move his feet yet.  It's crazy for me to think that just two months ago he learned to sit up, now he's climbing everything.

My poor glasses take a lot of abuse around Sasuke.

We went to the farmer's market and ran into David and Jessica and their new baby but I forgot to take a picture. :(  This is at Target right after.

Sasuke woke up from a nap and wanted a hug, but immediately fell asleep again.  I tried putting him back down, but he wasn't having it.  I figured at that point I had tried, I'll just enjoy it.

Sasuke trying to catch the sunbeam

Just after dinner

Sasuke didn't make it to dinner.  While his food was cooling he fell asleep.

When it was actually bed time however, he refused to sleep.  

Fresh lettuce from our... compost bin.

"I won't sleep.  You can't make me."

"I'm getting a little sleepy though..."


Sasuke playing with his toys.

Fast asleep in his highchair

Woke up to the smell of baby food.

Sasuke fell asleep in the grocery store.  

I was at work so I missed them, but Hana and Zen came over to visit.

We gave Sasuke a slice of lemon.  I was hoping for one of those cute "baby eats a lemon" reactions, but he just happily ate it.  

It looks like we'll get blackberries.


I took Sasuke to the big park instead of the little one right by our house.  He got a little sleepy in the stroller ride over.

Sasuke hiding behind the curtains.

Sasuke enjoying lots of attention at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Sasuke was up early so I got to play with him a bit before work.

Sasuke, you have some pipes going on over there.

3000 of the 7000 miles I've put on my Prius C have been gas-free.  Check out my average speed.  Captain Slow.

Sasuke loves his nightly bath.  He can't wait to get in the tub!

I've been trying to get a photo of Sasuke's first teeth.  This is the best I've managed so far.  

I gave Sasuke his first raspberries today.  We picked them up fresh from the Farmer's Market.  He loved them.  

Grandma and Grandpa came over to watch Sasuke so I could paint a window.  While I was outside Sasuke took a nap with Grandma.

Sasuke is a huge tank of a kid at over 25 pounds, but he still looks tiny in the right context.
