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Sasuke's new trick, standing!


Beth with Sasuke

"Hi Papa!  Wanna play?"

"I dropped my giraffe, and it's not immediately accessible!"

"Huh Mama, I dropped my giraffe, it's a pretty big situation."

"You're not Mama!!!"

"Mama... I dropped my giraffe, and Papa wasn't you, and it was scary... and... and..."

Sasuke sat up on his own again today!

Going for a little walk in the great weather.

Sasuke's first puff.

Sasuke enjoying spring.

Visiting Sara in DeForest.  Her new baby Sen was born two months after Sasuke.

I planted a dozen bulbs last fall.  So far just this one has come up.  I can't remember the type of flower anymore, something purple.

How did you sneak back there?

Look at this cutie!

Barbeque at Mitch and Megan's.

My cousin Kyle got married today.  Congrats Kyle and Lauren!

Our little part of the planet

Sasuke had rice, sardine, and vegetables for dinner.  

My little dude is growing so fast.

Grandmo reading Sasuke his favorite book.

Grandpa has a knack for making Sasuke laugh.

This photo (but not the two above) are from my now 12 year old Sony DSC-V1.  Shot wide open at F2.8, ISO800, 1/100th of a second.  Straight out of the camera the shots looked pretty bad, but Lightroom cleaned the CCD noise right up.  Something modern cameras do as you shoot.

Sasuke crawled under his highchair.

After work I took Sasuke down to the park and we had a great time.

He really likes the swing.  A tiny push is all he needs to break out giggling.

This is just as cute as it gets.

Sasuke can stand with support already, but is pretty top heavy.  Masami built a ring of pillows to help him practice.

Sasuke sure seems big for a seven month old.

We put Sasuke down to play while we ate dinner and he went straight for his books.  Papa's so proud!
