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Amazing fog over Lake Wingra in the -4F weather this morning.

"Mama, I want that."

Sasuke loves his bacon toy.

Frame from my dashcam

"Mama, let me down."

"I have important stuff to do."

"I've almost got it!"

"How fast am I going?"

"Oops, crashed."

Nothing cures a lonely baby faster than a hug from Mama.

Sasuke is really ticklish.

Masami has been sick, so I stayed home today to watch Sasuke and let her rest.  Sasuke loved the extra attention.

Even the allure of toys and a piano can't hold off a roll for long.  He hasn't figured out the reverse roll yet, so he'll wedge himself up against things and need a hand.  


Sasuke really wants to crawl.

Handsome boy.

Sasuke and Akito

The Duffys, Gorais, and Tomodas.

The boys out checking the mail


Sasuke Skyped me today.

Sam is in town for a few weeks and the Tomodas are moving back to Japan in just a few days so we got together at the Vintage.  

I know I'm biased, but he is just ridiculously cute.
