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Sasuke discovered that he can touch things with his hands recently.  It's super cute to watch.

It snowed!

The sound coming out of this kid is like a train whistle.

I don't think he's doing it on purpose, but sometimes Sasuke whips his leg over really fast and almost gets off his stomach.

"I don't know what to do with my hands."

My new niece Rebecca was born on the 4th.  She's a little cutie.

Handsome guy

Sasuke on the Boppy playing.  Our entire house is filled with nothing but baby stuff now...

I took 20 shots of this same scene and this was the least blurry.  Sasuke was really enjoying playing giddy-up.

Sasuke playing in his highchair during dinner.

Sasuke playing with his toys.

Sasuke fell asleep on Mama's lap stranding her on the sofa.  Here she's folding laundry.

He was so cute she didn't want to move, but after an hour and a half Masami's legs started to feel numb.

I took over and held Sasuke until my arms gave out.  He was in a really light sleep and I knew he'd wake up as soon as I put him down (which he did).

Sasuke playing with Grandpa

Tummy time

Sasuke playing with his (one month older) buddy Akito.  

Akito is a professional roll-overer, and was giving Sasuke a few pointers.  

Sasuke, are you listening to my lesson?

Just swing your legs like this...

And that's it!  Do you want me to show you again?

Sasuke rolled over for the first time today.


I made orange rolls for breakfast.  When I was a little boy my Grandma would get up super early in the morning and bake orange rolls for the family when we stayed over.  They were amazing.

My parents made a special visit to see their newest roll over champ.

The knitted neck warmer Masami's sister Shizuka made for her doubles perfectly as a baby warmer.

Sasuke was really cranky while Masami was cooking dinner.  He was just tired.  He conked out for a half hour like this.

Sasuke was pretty much spent by 6:00 when we had dinner.  

Sasuke takes his before bed bottle very seriously.
