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Pork loin stir fry

Sasuke playing with Grandpa

We went out today for our anniversary.  We went to the same place and ordered the same thing we did last year.

In the afternoon we took Sasuke sledding.

When I was a kid, my dad took me sledding in the snow.  I had to improvise.  

Sasuke moving furniture.

Such a handsome boy.

We setup a wreath after Sasuke went to bed last night, and this morning he saw it while it was still dark outside.  He pointed and said "this!  this!"  Sasuke doesn't have many words yet, but "this" is a fairly handy one to have picked up.  His first word was "Mama" at about 6 months.  Now he has "ねね" (sleep), "om nom" (eating sound), "this!" and occasionally "up!"  

Chuck the Truck is Sasuke's go-to toy.

Moments after telling Sasuke "we don't eat crayons," he tests the waters.  I only had to shake my head no and he went straight back to drawing with the wrong end.

At the Nitty Gritty for Masasmi's birthday.

Masami went out with her friends for the afternoon.  My orders were clear.  

I'm not going anywhere for a while, might as well upload a photo...

I captured some commotion on the dashcam.  The railroad crossing gate was stuck half way down, and the police were blocking the two closest lanes so no one would smash into it.

Sasuke loves his cars

Sasuke likes going down the slide head first.

Ignore the bearded Zoolander.  I got a new phone, and was trying out the camera.

Goofing around

Star Wars!

Sledding in the backyard.

Playing outside with Sasuke on Christmas morning.

Henry likes helping clean up.  I should buy Sasuke a little broom too...

Sasuke liked the balance beam today at Play N.

Sasuke playing basketball at Play N.

Sasuke wants to do a lot of things himself now, including peeling this orange.

My new coffee mug.

The person who thought to put baby food in an astronaut pouch is a saint.  I'm sure the staff at Applebee's agree.

Sasuke didn't sleep very well last night.  He's a zombie by dinner.
