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Walking down to the big park.

We taught Sasuke how to eat with a spoon two days ago.  It was food related, so he took it pretty seriously.  He's a pro now.  Soon we'll try having him scoop some food up himself.

Papa did his best dressing Sasuke for a walk to the park.

I love taking Sasuke to the park.  Watching him squeal with delight after the first push in the swing makes all the taxes and car loans and messed up knees of the world vanish... for a while. :)

Goofing around before work.

Peek a boo!

Sasuke came out to play in the yard while I got a start on the leaves.

Day two of our winter preparations.

Sasuke is big for his age, but he's still little.

We finished all our chores, so we paid grandma and grandpa a visit.  They had lots of nice crunchy leaves to play in.

Camera spotted!

I love that concentration face.

Leaving for work

Sasuke loves apples.  He'll eat them whole down to the core.

Playing outside with Mama.

I took Sasuke out for a walk.  I asked him where he wanted to go, and he started off straight for the park.

Insanely cute walking video

Walking through the gravel at the park is no problem these days.

Sleepy but wants to play

Out for burgers with Sam who's in back in town for the week.

Sasuke loves playing with cars

Taken by the $6 camera I found at Goodwill.

We've been introducing whole milk again this week.

I took Sasuke to Donuts with Dads at the library.

Pumpkin spice cinnamon roles.  Oohh man.

My handsome guy

Sasuke had some pizza.  His technique was hilarious.  He picked off and ate the tomatoes one by one, then put the whole slice up to his face and bit a hole out of the center.

Sasuke wearing hats

Sasuke slept all night again. I got to give him his midnight snack for breakfast.  

Thanksgiving with all the grandkids

My niece Rebecca is a little ham, just like Sasuke.

Sasuke checking for leftovers.

We took Sasuke to the gymnasium! He loved the trampolines.

He ran back and forth giggling.

Sasuke had a blast, but was really worn out.  When we got home he was too sleepy to eat, but too hungry to sleep.  

Sasuke hasn't used his walker for weeks, but wanted to get in tonight.  He ran full speed back and forth while I hid behind corners.  He'd find me and burst out laughing.
