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There's nothing like a good cardboard box.

Sasuke checking out his lunch.

Sasuke, we're at Eugster's Farm.  Are you excited?

They have goats




"Papa, watch me drive this tractor!"


Let's swing together!


Hay rides!


Sasuke had a blast, but was completely spent.  He fought it, but passed out in the wagon ride back to the car.

My coworker from Georgia tells me this is normal in the south.  I had to try it.  It was good, but didn't taste like Pepsi.

Sasuke caught a stomach bug and had a rough morning.

We thought Sasuke was feeling better today, but then he barfed one last time.  Like his Papa!

We've never let Sasuke play on the iPad before.  We only let him today since we were both so worn out.

Sasuke at the window welcoming me home.

This is Sasuke's camera face.

One last moment with his favorite toy before bed.

Eating strawberries

Riding the Henry Vilas Zoo train

Camera spotted

Sasuke eating an apple

He likes it!

Testing out Sasuke's new shows in the backyard.

We went out to dinner at Perkin's.  Sasuke had an interesting take on posture.

Getting ready to go fight crime.

We're heading to the park

There wasn't any crime to fight at the park, but there was candy!

Out for some walking practice in the park.

Playing on the swings together

Condensation on plastic wrap over a tray of lime jello illuminated by a flashlight.

Sasuke loves hamming it up for the camera.

Sasuke's been sleeping really well lately.  He slept all the way through the night Monday night, and only woke up once last night.  Knock on wood he keeps it up.

He's still not a fan, but Sasuke has been a little more tolerate of the occasional Pack and Play time lately.

Sasuke grabbed his fresh diaper and made a break for it.  

All the grandkids together for Halloween.

Sasuke hanging out with his cousin Rebecca.

Teaching Sasuke to eat with his own spoon.
