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Ben found a moth

Some of Sandy's skittish chickens.

This woodpecker let me get super close.  Too bad I only had my cell phone on me.

Heidi enjoying some rocks after dinner.

We drove to Chicago to eat ramen.  

Busse Forest Elk Pasture

Our first mystery flower from the previous home owners came up today.

Salad with edible flowers.

The lettuce is looking good.

We bought a dresser at a garage sale.  It fit in the Prius.

Our radishes are coming along nicely.

If you're a vegetarian, you may wish to avert your eyes.

Trying a few radishes from our planters.

A muskrat was hanging out on a rock on my walk to work today.  I snapped a picture, but was a second too slow.

Every time I wear my dollar-store flip flops, they're a little smaller.

Memorial Day picnic
