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Trying to take Sasuke's passport photo.  This isn't the one we ended up going with.


Twelve hours later.

We went out for our five year anniversary.  I had bone-in pork chops with candied pecans.  It was amazing.

Masami had steak with shrimp.  I had a few bites as well, it was perfectly done.




I need a beer.

Our Christmas tree propped back up and decorated.

Sasuke cuddling with Mama.

It's hard work lifting those cheeks.

Chubby Batman

Sasuke loves Papa's chair.

For Masami's birthday we ordered Chinese from a new restaurant.  It took two and a half hours to arrive, and that was well after I had already called to cancel.  

We ended up eating simple dinner at 8:48pm.  At least it makes a funny story.

They say Wolly Bears predict the winter.  I don't know if I'd trust this one's judgement.

Looking suave

Sasuke as Kintarou

Cuteness warning!

Grandpa is good at turning Sasuke into jello.

Sasuke loves his highchair.  

Playing peekaboo with Papa

He fell asleep in his highchair.

Sasuke playing with his giraffe.  He's not picking things up yet, but if you put a toy in his hand he'll hold onto it for a while.

A little walk around the yard in the cold air settles Sasuke right down.  


Everyone enjoying their burritos.  

We hosted a Christmas dinner for some friends at our house again this year.

Sasuke got pretty worn out from all the excitement.

We visited the National Mustard Museum today.

Doesn't get much cuter than this

We're working on the important skill of being awake without being held.

Grandpa helping Sasuke with tummy time.

Sasuke was super cranky all day today.

Sasuke's first New Year's Eve Party.
