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He's growing too fast.


"Is that a lamp?  I love those."

My view from the garage this morning.

Sasuke has great etiquette.

A cold clear morning.  It was 12F.

My parents found this interesting page of Civil Defense air raid instructions under their original kitchen cabinets they're replacing.  It has a date of 1955.  


Sasuke got his two month checkup and first round of shots.  He was not happy about that.

Zoom in.

David's birthday party at Rocky Rococo's.

Sasuke sitting in Papa's chair.


I think Sasuke looks a lot older than 2 months in this picture.

Whoa!  There were two turkeys standing on the railing just outside my front door this morning.  They gave me a good startle.

It was beautiful after work today.

Happy Thanksgiving!

The turkeys stopped by, tempting fate.

We tried putting Sasuke in his cute bomber jacket, but he's already too big.

We took him outside for a few minutes to give him some fresh air.

Sasuke in his Bumbo chair.  He loves sitting by himself.
