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Phew, it's hot.

Preparing Udon noodles

Handmade Udon

Celebrating my cousin Jesse's 21st birthday.

I tried setting up this old webcam by the TV for skype.  This was the best I could do for a stand.

Lance and little Ian.

Hana's birthday party.

We celebrated my niece Julia's first birthday today.

I woke up at 5:30 to the sound of rain.  We haven't had rain worth mentioning all summer.

Celery Soda you say?  Why not.  

It was finally under 90 around lunch time, so I could go for a walk.  It's great working right next to a big park.

Cell phone panorama of the Wingra marsh.

I got a new Android smart phone.  I'm testing out the camera here.  It's no iPhone, but for 1/10th the price, I'll take it.
