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Yuuto's Birthday Party

Bread and cinnamon roles in progress.

We went to Brasserie V on Monroe St for our anniversary.

Artichoke and Leek soup.

Harviestoun Old Engine Oil Engineer's Reserve, from Scotland.

I had a nice steak on a bed of brussel sprouts.

Masami had the Foie Gras.

Chocolate sampler for dessert.

We got a new bed-set for our wedding anniversary.  

My parents got Masami a sewing machine for her birthday.  She's really excited about it.  Her last class for the semester is Thursday, so she'll have a lot of time to play with it over the winter break.  For now we're both reading through the manual.   There's quite a lot to it!

Masami has been trying out the various stitch patterns her new sewing machine can do.  I think it's pretty amazing.  The pattern is on both sides too.

Masami's first McRib

Yeah, I think that's what everybody thinks about it.

I found a Canon Rebel XS camera at Goodwill for $2.99.  It's an old film SLR.  It takes some weird batteries I don't have, but I popped the lens off and onto my regular Canon 30D and it worked fine.  It's just a cheapo 35-80mm kit lens, but hey for three bucks...  Here's a picture taken with the lens.

I made some Duncan Hines brownies.  Mmmm

Early morning, after the snowfall.

Masami made a dress today!
