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This image is a composite of six photographs. The combined image with cropping worked out to 7133x3023 or roughly 21.5 megapixels. Meanwhile Nikon released their new D3x camera with an amazing 24.5 megapixels. With that camera I could have taken this shot in a single click of the shutter. Too bad its $8000 price tag is out of Santa's budget.
On the way to Mitchlock's to play some Left4Dead, I saw a cat watching to ensure I had parked legally.
From the window at the JLPT test in Chicago.
Ketchup Packets
GMAT study book.
Land Yacht.
Culvers Butter-Burger Deluxe.
I held Navyrain's T77 up with my T100 and took the same picture. The SteadyShot on my camera is worn out, so I imagine his turned out better. I recently rolled over the 9999 limit for the third time on this camera.
Light at Jimmy Johns in Madison.
A sign near Mitchlock's apartment.
We had a big Japan reunion today. Here we have Ray, Shashi, Ravi, Kelly, myself, and Andrea. CJ also came out, but Shashi and Kelly had to leave before he arrived, so we didn't get a photo all together. It was great catching up with everyone.
The blue streak in the middle of this photograph is the light emitted by a band-aid wrapper when opened. I discovered this phenomenon when I was a child opening band-aids in the hall closet. Naturally, you'd want to close the closet door to open band-aid wrappers, as not to be seen. Sadly, scientists first noticed this in 1939, so I was not awarded a Nobel Prize.
Masami and I took a rickshaw ride in historic Kamakura today. Later we visited a large shrine, and then the Kamakura Daibutsu.
This looked better in person than it does through the eye of a cellphone.