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Old sleepy men riding the train home at night.
Happy Birthday Shashi!
I'm thinking of using something like this as a new web-page style. It's an "ambigram" like in Dan Brown's book, "Angels and Demons." The funky bit on the end of the "j" is the only part I'm not satisfied with. Otherwise I think it's pretty cool.
We had some really nice weather today. I went out for a short bike ride to enjoy it.
This is a sign for a Japanese restaurant near my apartment.
Laser beam photo. I was trying to take a picture of a laser through smoke similar to one of the Alien movies, but I couldn't get anything nice.
Today was the graduation ceremony. Don't get my wrong, I'm happy to go to my student's graduation. But this is one of the driest events I've ever witnessed. Imagine a 3 hour funeral for someone you don't know, and the speakers are all monotone robots only programmed to speak Esperanto.
Sandwich King.
My friend Chris' birthday party in Tokyo.
This is a steep path down to a tennis court. I didn't play tennis, I was just out for a walk.
I wish I had a car... T__T
After work, I felt like having a brew. So I stopped by the convenience store, and found this. I had to try it.
Chiba Prefecture
It was an overcast day, so my pictures were all washed out. Slightly increasing the saturation helped, but when I saw how it looked at 100%, I had to go with that. Too groovy.
The weather was great today, so around 10:30 I slipped out and took a little walk around the school grounds.
Mitchlock sent me a cool e-card with a dancing leprechaun. I won't spoil the ending, but it was pretty funny.
My old iPod died, so I went out to get a new one. I'll be on the train for about 4 hours tomorrow, so I wanted to get it tonight. It was raining a little, but I was determined. Especially since I just got the new Yui CD, and it's awesome. On the last track of the CD, Yui rhymes the word "spiral" with "escape." It's genius. (no sarcasm, it actually rhymes)
So I heard there was a big Iraq war protest in Hibiya park yesterday. I was in Tokyo already, so I wanted to see if there was still anything going on. Some people were still out, but unfortunately I didn't bring my camera. I can't really read the banner from my cell-phone picture... But it said something along the lines of "No war in Iraq, peace for Iraq, freedom for Iraq."
This sign in a train station says, "Be careful of pigeon poo."
Today was a national holiday, so we all got together for my birthday! We went bowling, and out for dinner-- It was a lot of fun.
I missed my train home last night, so I stayed over with my friend in Narita. I had to wake up at 6am to catch a train home for work.
I went to grab a few coins from my change dish, (top of a DVDR spindle) and a scary cockroach squirmed around under the coins! I really really don't like cockroaches, but I can't exactly throw away a dish full of money. So I filled up the dish with blue Listerine. The beast quickly died and I could scoop him out safely.
This street band was really good. I used my camera to take a video clip of one of their songs.
Day 1 in Guam! The weather was beautiful, and the ocean was clean and clear. It was wonderful.
The second day in Guam. I took this picture way up on a cliff overlooking the ocean. It was really beautiful.
This shot was taken in a game arcade in Kabuki-chou.