As one approaches the speed of light on one's three speed, objects around you will appear to stretch before your very eyes. At the same time an observer in your surroundings will view you as a horizontally squished, but vertically normal individual. As you grow nearer and nearer to the speed of light, the energy required to increase your speed grows to a point where only an infinite power could push you any faster. Of course when riding your three speed bicycle, you may want to refrain from traveling at the speed of light, as you would become a two dimensional object in a hyper elongated three dimensional world. The physics acting on a two dimensional object are not known, and you may not be able to return. Another consequence results from the alteration of relative time. For the few seconds your quadriceps can drive the mechanism at an incredible 299792458 meters per second, time on earth would remain almost unchanged. Everyone you've ever known, anyone you've ever loved-- would be several seconds older than they were before.